Mewn tywydd o bob rhyw

(Calfaria Mwy)
Mewn tywydd o bob rhyw
Mi ganaf tra b'wyf byw
  Calfaria mwy:
Y fan bu'r Iesu mawr
Yn dyoddef dros dair awr,
Er achub llwch y llawr, -
  Calfaria mwy.

Mae f'ymffrost yn ei groes,
A chanaf am ei loes,
  Calfaria mwy:
Câdd Satan dan ei draed,
Gorchfygu'r gelyn wnaed,
Mae'r goncwest yn y gwaed, -
  Cafaria mwy.

Agorwyd pyrth y nef
Trwy'i werthfawr aberth Ef,
  Calfaria mwy:
Trysorau mawrion drud
Sy'n d'od o hyd o hyd
Yn rhad i'r euog fyd, -
  Calfaria mwy.

Mae myrdd âg uchel lef
Yn canu "Iddo Ef,"
  Calfaria mwy:
Yn iach ar ben eu taith
Yn moli am ei waith,
A dyna yw eu hiaith, -
  Calfaria mwy.

Y gair "Gorphenwyd" yw
Sail ymffrost eglwys Dduw,
  Calfaria mwy:
Ei air diweddaf Ef
Yw penaf dant y nef,
A chanant âg un llef
  Calfaria mwy.

Mae miloedd ar y llawr
Yn canu'r anthem fawr,
  Calfaria mwy:
Mor hyfryd yw y sain
Am ôl y goron ddrain,
A'r chwerw bicell fain! -
  Calfaria mwy.

'R wyf finnau 'mhlith y llu
Yn canu'r anthem gu,
  Calfaria mwy:
Trugaredd â mi wnaed,
Dwyn Satan dan fy nhraed,
A'm hachub trwy y gwaed, -
  Calfaria mwy.

Yn yr Iorddonen ddofn
Mi floeddiaf yn ddiofn
  Calfaria mwy:
Er ei hystormydd cryf,
A'i dirfawr dònog lif,
Mi ganaf ynddi yn hyf
  Calfaria mwy.

Pan elo'r byd ar dân
Calfara fydd fy nghân, -
  Calfaria mwy:
Eisteddaf yn ddinam
Yn ngwres y danllyd fflam,
I ddedwydd foli am
  Galfaria mwy.

Ger bron yr orseddfainc
Câf daro'r felus gainc,
  Calfaria mwy:
'R ol colli'r grëad faith
'R un eto fydd fy iaith
I'r Oen a'i werthfawr waith, -
  Calfaria mwy.
Rowland Whittington (Egwisyn)
Trysorfa y Plant 1867

[Mesur: 664.6664]

gwelir: Agorwyd pyrth y nef

(Calvary evermore)
In weather of every kind
I shall sing while ever I live
  Calvary evermore:
The place great Jesus was
Suffering for three hours,
To save the dust of the ground, -
  Calvary evermore.

My boast is in his cross,
And I shall sing about his anguish,
  Calvary evermore:
He got Satan under his feet,
Overcome the enemy he did,
The victory is in his blood, -
  Calvary evermore.

The gates of heaven were opened
Through the virtue of His sacrifice,
  Calvary evermore:
Great, precious treasures
Are coming always, always
Freely for the guilty world, -
  Calvary evermore.

A myriad with a loud voice are
Singing "Unto Him,"
  Calvary evermore:
Safe at the end of their journey
Praising about his work,
And that is their language, -
  Calvary evermore.

The word, "It is finished" is
The basis of the boast of God's church,
  Calvary evermore:
His last word
Is the chief chord of heaven,
And they sing with one voice
  Calvary evermore.

There are thousands on the earth
Singing the great anthem,
  Calvary evermore:
How lovely is the sound,
About the marks of the crown of thorns,
And the bitter, sharp spear! -
  Calvary evermore.

I too am amongst the host
Singing the dear anthem,
  Calvary evermore:
Mercy for me was made,
Brought Satan under my feet,
And saved me through the blood, -
  Calvary evermore.

In the deep Jordan
I shall shout fearlessly
  Calvary evermore:
Despite its strong storms,
And its enormous billowing flow,
I shall sing in it boldly
  Calvary evermore.

When the world goes on fire,
Calvary shall be my song, -
  Calvary evermore:
I shall sit faultless
In the heat of the fiery flame,
Sweetly to praise about
  Calvary evermore.

Before the throne
I shall get to strike a sweet chord,
  Calvary evermore:
After losing the vast creation
The same yet shall be my language
To the Lamb and his precious work, -
  Calvary evermore.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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